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Tumor Healed

Jon had a customer in his office share with him that she was facing surgery for a tumor in her back. She was shaken by the doctor's prognosis that it was serious and possibly life-threatening. Jon walked this lady to her car, then told her how much God lover her. He asked if she would be willing for him to pray for her. She gratefully and eagerly received his offer. Jon prayed against the tumor, declaring there are no tumors in heaven, and God would make her whole.

A few weeks later, the lady came to Jon and told him how meaningful it was when he told her of God's lover for her. Then she said when the doctors went in they found a totally dried up tumor that was hollow inside. The doctors were amazed and unsure of what had happened, finding what looked like a dried up plum instead of a tumor. Her long diagnosed recovery turned into hardly and recovery time at all. Thank You, God for Your awesome love and power to deliver her from such a serious threat to her health and life.



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